Principal findings
In this sample of primary care patients in England, individuals with a history of illicit opioid use had about six times the risk of new COPD diagnosis and about 15 times the risk of death with an underlying cause of COPD. Among patients diagnosed with COPD, those with a history of using illicit opioids had more severe disease, potentially reflecting later diagnosis. We found no large inequalities in treatment after diagnosis, although illicit opioids were associated with substantially higher frequency of exacerbations requiring hospital admission and death, even after adjusting for disease severity at diagnosis.
Interpretation of results
Qualitative research has found that people who use illicit opioids have barriers to health services. These include: stigmatising attitudes among healthcare staff, including perceptions that patients who use illicit drugs have poor motivation or are to blame for their health problems26 27; barriers to attending appointments, such as transport costs and competing priorities such as finding enough food or money for the day26 27; clinicians attributing coughing and other symptoms to drug use, sometimes known as diagnostic overshadowing28; and delaying help seeking owing to normalisation of pain and fear of stigma.29 These barriers could cause later diagnosis of COPD among people who use illicit opioids. In the present study, patients with a history of illicit opioid use had considerably worse symptoms at diagnosis than those with no history.
People who use illicit opioids in England are ageing,30 and the burden of COPD is likely to increase. Given the large inequality and specific health needs in this population, prevention of COPD will require a dedicated strategy. We discuss three approaches to reducing this inequality.
Improving diagnosis
The results suggest substantial undiagnosed COPD among people who use or have used illicit opioids. Comparing prevalence from studies that use different diagnostic methods is difficult,2 31 but cross sectional spirometry studies have found that 30-40% of people who use illicit opioids have COPD,4 5 compared with 2% of participants in this study having a diagnosis of COPD at baseline. One approach is providing spirometry in accessible locations such as those already providing harm reduction interventions (eg, needle and syringe programmes and opioid agonist treatment); an approach that has been piloted in Sheffield, Liverpool, and London3 4 32 33 and appears acceptable to participants. However, this approach is screening and should meet certain criteria before implementation,34 35 including an accessible treatment pathway and robust evaluation. Another approach is to provide education and training to primary care staff, aiming to reduce stigma and diagnostic overshadowing.28
Improving access to treatment after diagnosis
Contrary to our hypothesis, we did not find evidence of large inequalities in treatment, which suggests that people with a history of using illicit opioids have similar care as other patients once they receive a COPD diagnosis, or reflects selection bias in which people with COPD who use opioids and have this recorded by their general practitioner are a motivated subgroup. However, the results also show low absolute levels of some interventions, both in the opioid and comparison group. A small proportion of patients (about one in 20 in this study) were referred for pulmonary rehabilitation, which has been previously observed.36 37 A review of international evidence found that the most common barrier to referral to pulmonary rehabilitation was that clinicians do not understand its benefits, and that training could help.38 Patient level reasons for non-attendance include transport, lack of perceived benefit, continued smoking after diagnosis, and depression.39 About one in seven patients received a pneumococcal vaccine. Access to the influenza vaccine was better, at about one in two patients. This difference in access might suggest that low access to pneumococcal vaccine is because there is no annual campaign, as there is for influenza, and awareness of eligibility criteria and guidance might be low among general practitioners. Access to influenza vaccines could be improved by ensuring that open access vaccination is available in settings such as pharmacies that provide injecting equipment and opioid agonist treatment. Although the results show that some treatments are rarely provided, they also suggest that the large inequalities in both the frequency and outcomes of COPD are unlikely to be explained by healthcare access after diagnosis.
Primary prevention of COPD through smoking cessation
Most instances of COPD in high income countries are caused by tobacco smoking.1 40 Smoking among people who use illicit opioids7 is likely an important contributor to the high burden of COPD in this population. Among people without COPD, smoking cessation is associated with lower incidence of COPD,41 and among people with COPD of any severity it is associated with slower decline in lung function and reduced mortality.42 The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease advises that stopping smoking is the most effective therapeutic approach for preventing or reducing the progression of COPD.20 Historically, smoking cessation has been considered difficult or unrealistic among people who use illicit drugs, and few attempts have been made to reduce the high prevalence of smoking. In 2019-20, only 2.4% of people starting opioid agonist treatment in England who said they smoke tobacco were provided some kind of smoking cessation intervention.43 However, randomised controlled trials of traditional smoking cessation aides (such as nicotine replacement therapy, motivational interviewing, and varenicline or bupropion) among people in treatment for substance use have found sustained reductions in smoking.44 Qualitative data suggests that e-cigarettes might be more appealing in this population than traditional treatments.45 The provision of e-cigarettes in a parallel population of people using homeless day centres is currently being evaluated in a cluster randomised controlled trial46 and this study could inform approaches to smoking cessation for people who use heroin and crack cocaine.
Strengths and limitations of the study
Other studies have estimated COPD prevalence,3–5 incidence,47 and mortality48 49 among people who use illicit opioids, also finding a high health burden related to COPD. To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating treatment in this population. We used a large, representative database that is likely to reflect clinical reality. We used two well known measures of disease severity (COPD GOLD stage20 and the MRC dyspnoea scale21), which were well recorded with about two thirds of participants having each measurement at the time of diagnosis. The study uses five cost effective and evidence based interventions recommended in UK guidelines (seasonal influenza vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, pulmonary rehabilitation, inhaled drug treatment, and support with smoking cessation), providing evidence across these interventions that illicit opioid use was not strongly associated with healthcare access after diagnosis.
The study had four key limitations. Firstly, the study could have had selection biases, owing to missing data on COPD cases or opioid exposures. For missing COPD cases, data from Wales suggest that about a third of patients on general practitioners' COPD registers do not have recorded spirometry values50 (consistent with missing data in table 1), and that some patients also might not have the diagnostic codes used in our case definition. Missing COPD diagnoses will mean that absolute incidence of diagnosed COPD is underestimated, although we could not identify a reason why this potential limitation would seriously bias our estimate of the association between illicit opioids and COPD incidence. Missing opioid exposures could have biased our estimates of the association between opioid use and treatment. Disclosure of illicit drug use to a general practitioner might be a marker for good engagement with healthcare, and therefore people with COPD who use illicit opioids but who were not identified in our study might have lower rates of treatment.
Secondly, the measurement of smoking is limited to never smoking, ex-smoking, and current tobacco smoking status at cohort entry. Smokers who use illicit opioids are likely to have longer and heavier smoking histories. We found that the association between opioid use and COPD diagnosis or death was partially explained by tobacco smoking status. However, the limited measurement of smoking meant that we were unable to assess the contribution of smoking to inequality in COPD, and the importance of other exposures. In addition, smoking after diagnosis might vary between the opioid and comparison group, which could contribute to the higher rates of acute exacerbations and death after diagnosis. We also did not have data on the route of opioid administration, and particularly whether participants smoke heroin. Therefore, we were unable to investigate the impact of heroin smoking on COPD risk, or make direct comparisons with studies of COPD among heroin smokers.
Thirdly, there could have been unmeasured differences in disease at diagnosis. The higher rate of acute exacerbations in the opioid group suggests residual differences in severity or exposures during follow-up such as ongoing smoking. We measured severity using the COPD GOLD stage and the MRC breathlessness scale. Although these scales are associated with survival probability,1 51 their prognostic value could differ between populations. Differences might also relate to different types of disease. For example, a study of COPD among people who smoke heroin showed that emphysema is the dominant phenotype,11 so it is possible that patients with COPD and a history of illicit opioid use are more likely to have emphysema than other patients with COPD and no history. The vast majority of patients had generic COPD diagnoses rather than records of a specific phenotype, and we were not able to subclassify COPD phenotypes.
Finally, eligibility and compliance with COPD treatments was difficult to measure. Eligibility was easily determined for support with smoking cessation (current smokers), pneumococcal vaccine (participants without a previous vaccine), and seasonal influenza vaccine (everyone). For COPD drug treatments and pulmonary rehabilitation, the clinical decision to provide treatment is based on additional patient characteristics19 and preferences that were not captured in this study—that is, our eligibility definitions might not capture clinical reality. The proportions of patients actually receiving treatments might also vary between the opioid and comparison groups. Our measures of treatment typically capture the first step taken by a clinician, such as a prescription or referral. Vaccinations are usually given immediately and the rate of prescriptions might closely match the rate of administered vaccines, while patients need to pick up inhalers or attend rehabilitation appointments with some potential dropout (which we could not measure).