Table 3

Overall apparent model performance and by cohort: UK (Allen et al, 2017),32 Australia (Rumbold et al, 2006),31 Norway (STORK Groruddalen research programme, 2010),33 and US (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), 2018)34 cohorts, and pooled data

Pooled estimateAllen et al, 2017
Rumbold et al, 2006 (n=1877)STORK Groruddalen, 2010 (n=823)NICHD, 2018 (n=233 483)Pooled data
(n=237 228)
Calibration slope
 Point estimate0.990.881.041.030.990.99
 Confidence interval0.88 to 1.100.89 to 0.960.99 to 1.090.95 to 1.110.99 to 0.990.99 to 0.99
 Prediction interval0.70 to 1.28
 τ2 (95% CI)0.00 (0.00 to 0.04)
Calibration-in-the-large (g)
 Point estimate44.4533.1113.40104.6931.4331.53
 Confidence interval−18.44 to 107.337.07 to 59.14−6.45 to 33.2675.62 to 133.7629.69 to 33.1729.81 to 33.26
 Prediction interval−136.62 to 225.51
 τ2 (95% CI)1400 (257 to 13000)
Observed to expected birth weight ratio
 Point estimate1.
 Confidence interval0.97 to 1.070.96 to 1.060.94 to 1.070.98 to 1.090.92 to 1.110.92 to 1.11
 Prediction interval0.95 to 1.08
 τ2 (95% CI)0.00 (0.00 to 0.00)
R2* (%)
 Interquartile range39.0-52.132.6-32.847.8-47.945.6-45.956.1-56.256.0-56.1
  • *Reported as median, range, and interquartile range for imputations because R2 cannot be summarised for all imputations with Rubin's rules.

  • CI, confidence interval.