Table 2

Processes and outcomes in patients presenting to the emergency department, stratified by multimorbidity status

No. of patientsAll (n=451 291)No multimorbidity
(n=407 787)
(n=43 504)
P value
Departmental outcomes
Time (mins) to be seen:
Median (interquartile range)76 (40-121)76.3 (41-122)68 (34-113)<0.001
Mean (SD)84.6 (55.4)85.4 (55.4)78.1 (54.6)
Seen by HCP within four hours, No. (%)*:
No2680 (0.7)2448 (0.8)232 (0.6)0.005
Yes355 490 (99.3)318 899 (99.2)36 591 (99.4)
Hours spent in emergency department:
Median (interquartile range)3.4 (2.3-4.3)3.3 (2.3-4.2)4 (3.2-4.9)<0.001
Mean (SD)3.4 (1.6)3.3 (1.6)4.3 (1.9)
Left emergency department within four hours, No. (%)*:
No119 183 (33.3)100 566 (31.3)18 617 (50.6)<0.001
Yes238 953 (66.7)220 753 (68.7)18 200 (49.4)
Discharge outcomes
Discharge destination, No. (%):
Admission to critical care or critical care unit6231 (1.4)5049 (1.2)1182 (2.7)<0.001
Admission to hospital ward103 519 (22.9)78 565 (19.3)24 954 (57.4)
Died before hospital admission1350 (0.3)962 (0.2)388 (0.9)
Home295 950 (65.6)280 714 (68.8)15 236 (35.0)
Outpatient clinic/ambulatory care44 241 (9.8)42 497 (10.4)1744 (4.0)
Level of care admitted to, No. (%):
Critical care unit1930 (0.4)1667 (0.4)263 (0.6)<0.001
High dependency units1756 (0.4)1285 (0.3)471 (1.1)
Intensive care units2545 (0.6)2097 (0.5)448 (1.0)
Non-critical care103 519 (22.9)78 565 (19.3)24 954 (57.4)
Not admitted341 541 (75.7)324 173 (79.5)17 368 (39.9)
Hospital length of stay (days)†
Median (interquartile range)3 (1-8)2 (1-6.5)4.5 (1.5-13)<0.001
Mean (SD)9.9 (24.8)8.7 (23.6)13.7 (28.2)——
Repeat emergency department presentation within seven days, No. (%)‡:
No325 326 (96.3)309 773 (96.5)15 553 (92.2)<0.001
Yes12 539 (3.7)11 218 (3.5)1321 (7.8)
Mortality outcomes
Died within 24 h of presentation, No. (%):
Died2188 (0.5)1445 (0.4)743 (1.7)<0.001
Survived449 103 (99.5)406 342 (99.6)42 761 (98.3)
Died within seven days of presentation, No. (%):
Died4912 (1.1)3011 (0.7)1901 (4.4)<0.001
Survived446 379 (98.9)404 776 (99.3)41 603 (95.6)
Died within 30 days of presentation, No. (%):
Died8516 (1.9)4969 (1.2)3547 (8.2)<0.001
Survived442 775 (98.1)402 818 (98.8)39 957 (91.8)
In-hospital mortality†, No. (%):
Died6444 (6.1)3638 (4.6)2806 (11.0)<0.001
Survived98 720 (93.9)75 993 (95.4)22 727 (89.0)
  • P value indicates unadjusted significance testing between patients with multimorbidity and patients who did not have multimorbidity. For categorical variables, we used χ2, and for continuous variables, we used Mann-Whitney testing.

  • *This statistic only applies to patients for whom the four hour rule is applicable.

  • †This statistic only applies to patients who were admitted to hospital.

  • ‡This statistic only applies to patients who were discharged alive from emergency department and were not admitted to hospital.

  • HCP, healthcare professional; SD, standard deviation.