Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the 469 095 participants included in the main analysis, by pre-existing coeliac disease. Data are number (%), unless otherwise specified

No coeliac disease
(n=467 012)
Coeliac disease
Mean (SD) age (years)6.7 (8.1)58.1 (7.9)
Women260 471 (55.8)1489 (71.5)
Ethnicity other than white25 082 (5.4)33 (1.6)
Wheat-free diet*6347 (1.4)1742 (84.0)
Education level
 No qualifications74 082 (15.9)404 (19.4)
 GCSE78 135 (16.7)368 (17.7)
 A levels25 645 (5.5)105 (5.0)
 Higher education279 977 (60.0)1184 (56.8)
Townsend deprivation index†
 1 (most affluent)94 967 (20.3)461 (22.1)
 293 818 (20.1)435 (20.9)
 393 780 (20.1)437 (21.0)
 493 266 (20.0)374 (18.0)
 5 (most deprived)90 602 (19.4)374 (18.0)
  • SD=standard deviation.

  • *UK Biobank asked participants if they ate a wheat-free diet, so gluten-free diet consumption cannot be ascertained.

  • †Quintile defined by baseline distribution of UK Biobank population.